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Blessing Stones & Blessing Shells Ceremony


For  couples who are looking for a unique addition to their wedding ceremony, the blessing stones or blessing shells ceremony is a great way to capture your guests’ heartfelt love for you. A small polished stone or seashell is placed on each chair so everyone can participate in a beautiful unity ceremony... and the vessel serves as a beautiful, lasting reminder of the love and support given to you on your special day!


Ceremony of Magic & Love

Ladies and Gentlemen, you may be wondering why you have been holding a (stone / shell) in your hand during this ceremony. The couple have chosen these (stones / shells) you are now holding in your hands as symbols of your individual blessings to them and their beautiful family. The (stones / shells) will serve as a lasting reminder of the magic and love that you share with them today.


As you hold your blessing (stone / shell) let us each in our own way, reflect and offer our wishes to this couple for love, happiness and unity. Following the ceremony, we invite you to place your (stone / shell) into the Bowl of Blessings with your personal blessing to them for a long life filled with love, laughter and happiness!

Bowl of Blessings Ceremony

Before you met, your lives were on different paths with different destinations. But love has brought you together and joined these separate paths into one.


Each one of your friends and family here today have been given a small polished stone / shell, that represents their unique individuality and their presence at your wedding today.


I will now ask that everyone please take out the stone / shell you have been given and pause for a moment to make a wish or blessing for happiness and good will for GROOM and BRIDE and the future of their marriage. (Everyone pauses to make their wish)


Following the ceremony, GROOM and BRIDE invite you to place the stone / shell into the Bowl of Blessings with your personal blessing for them as a married couple. As the stones / shells are combined with love into one container, so now are your friends and family joined, through you, into one. And your once solitary life’s paths are also now one. All that was once separate is now shared, and in this sharing you both will find new strength and joy as together you forge a new life’s path and destination.

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